Thursday, July 15, 2010


Have just attempted my own Wikispaces page. Navigating was not as easy as i thought it would be, however the overall structure of the page seemed navigational.
Going to have a play with it later and hopefully can modify it to make it look a little more interesting.
During my last prac (a 6/7 class) the students created a Wiki page about phases of the moon. Most students were engaged and used the site to monitor their own learning. It did set up a slightly competitive nature and gave students a place to check their learning. When using a Wiki for student learning it is necessary to develop a criteria of expected content. Students can quickly start posting irrelevant or incorrect information. It would be useful to create a anonymous peer assessment aspect to such an activity to encourage constructive feedback regarding information uploaded (Boud, 1995). The collaboration aspect of a Wiki is probably the most important in relation to teaching. Giving student's a group activity that is posted online gives them a sense of responsibility. Mike Eisenberg (2001) created the Big6 Skills for solving an information problem. Creating a Wiki with a specific focus allows for ample experiences usings the first 3 skills: Task Definition, Information Seeking Strategies and Locate and Access.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hamish,

    I agree with your comment about Wiki's being harder to navigate then blogs. I'm not sure that i find them as useful and interesting as blogs however this may be because I'm not used to them yet whereas my blog i have been working with for a month.

    Check out my comparison between the two and let me know what you think:

    Talia :)
