Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bubble us - Brainstormers heaven

Have just been experimenting with the bubbl us application. The concept map is an interesting learning tool. It really is a simple way of finding out just how much you know/have learnt about a given topic and how you organise/store that knowledge. Just now I have been developing a concept map of concept mapping. I have come to realise that i know very little regarding this tool. Below is my initial attempt.

From this attempt it is obvious that i have very little declarative knowledge sorrounding the topic. So i investigated online. The brief history of concept mapping was my first point of call. Concept maps were developed in relation to the findings of a Psychologist known as David Ausubel. Ausubel (1968), believed that learning occurs when new concepts or information are assimilated into existing knowlegde. Researchers (Novak & Musonda, 1991) used concept maps to identify the changes in students understanding of scientific knowledge. From this measuring idea grew a new tool for use within learning.
Another interesting article that came up was Chang, Sung, and Chen's (2008) 'Learning through computer-based concept mapping with scaffolding aid'. Chang, Sung, and Chen (2008) outline several factors why online concept mapping benefits learning outcomes:
1. Engagement - provided by online concept mapping as our good friend Prensky (2005) asserts as essentail for learning.
2. Scaffolded - Learners should be scaffolded when designing concept maps. Gradual development of information. Instant electronic feedback can be used in certain programs.
3. Self Assessment - Incomplete concept maps - Good way to for students to check their own learning. Also can be used as assessment piece.


  1. The key point you have bought up, which is great, is that this online tool can show the development of learning, not just a snapshot in time. The best function of the online concept map is that students can use and edit the same concept map for a unit of study, adding and configuring complex ideas as their learning progresses.

  2. This tool is useful along the whole learning journey. Most tools align with one section of that journey (be it gaining, refining, presenting information), however it is beneficial to use concept maps all the way through. Initially it is possible to group declarative information together to aid students memory storing. Once they have that information stored then they have a great reference point which they can build on as they go. It can be used as a map of the several of the Learning Management Questions - what do I know all the way to what do i need to know?
