Sunday, August 8, 2010

Digital Video - the choice is easy

The following post relates to the presentation delivered for English C and P. Those of you who saw it can see it again and those who haven't now can. Our group tried to use several digital tools, one of which was a short digital video clip. The clip was used to make some rather dry declarative knowledge, related to the topic, a little more interesting. It also aimed at both the visual and auditory learner (a narrative was spoken over the clip). If there was more time our group would have edited the clip using a video editor. The use of different music and voice over would have made the clip a little more engaging and also more professional. Kearney & Shuck (2006, pg.8) found that when teachers engage students with digital video there is a likely increase in the following areas of student success:

Developing understading
Motivating students
Increasing student autonomy
Promoting active learning in their classrooms
Providing opportunities for group learning and launguage development
Developing techonological and digital literacies
Providing feedback for parents, teachers and students
Fitting with their own preferred roles and approaches to teaching
Extending their peosonal interest in digital movie making

Taken from Kearney & Shuck, 2006, pg.8 - Students in the Director's Seat: Teaching and Learning across the School Curriculum with Student-generated Video).

Kearney and Shuck (2006, pg.8) also found that such outcomes are more likely to be achieved by students if teachers are utilising ICT in their teacing and supportive of students using it as well. Therefore, teachers must not only use digital video when delivering but also need to consider the quality of such texts (digital video) as it is a form of modelling: in particular, what you expect from student - generated digital videos (SGDV).


  1. Hi Hamish I found your posting to express the reasons exactly why our group chose to use a digital video in the presentation. Can you send me the link to Kearney and Shuck? So I can read further about this interesting topic.

  2. Hey Olive,
    That 100 page article we went over in class (E - Learning, Week 5) with a jigsaw reading is the Kearney and Shuck reading. It explores a range of aspects, from teacher's professional development to student benefits to the principals role when implementing a school program enhancing the us of digital video. Well worth a glance over.
    By for now.
