Tuesday, August 3, 2010

youtube: a great engagement tool

Looking on other peoples blogs, one of the most common posts is of youtube clips. It is obvious that youtube has amazing potential in developing students declarative knowledge, but how can we use it to expand students learning experiences. The answer lies off center as it is not directly related to digital learning but rather the other KLA's other than Literacy. Where else can examples of live art, music and performance be found so readily? I was shown a fantastic clip which i have added of sand art. From this simple eight minute clip I realised a whole cross-curricular unit could be born.

To start with there is the visual art side of things - potentially great fun for kids as they are not only playing with sand (early years - fine/gross motor skills or latter years - visual perspective/shading/line/contrast) but expressing or telling a story.

A springboard into SOSE lessons has been provided (from the history/perspective of war being recounted to where can we get sand from and why).

Obviously with tangible things such as sand there needs to be measurements made when considering transporting (consider weight/cost) it to the classroom (Numeracy).

Then recording such a story using digital video! This builds, Digital and English literacies (if students are recounting).

Such a simple start, but a great hook that can lead to many opportunities for learning.

Peace (in light of that video),


1 comment:

  1. Having written the reflective synopsis i have properly considered the different tools related to information gain. Any tool that delivers a other peoples information or perspective on a topic gives teachers the means to explore that concept and could be used as a springboard to a unit or learning a too
